Friday, December 25, 2009

all out or save some?

Me and my good friend Martin were having a conversation early on Christmas morning about my previous post “Yes, BUT…”

Shortly after posting “Yes, BUT…”, he made his own post on his WordPress blog, wherein he compared relationships to the building and reconstruction of a car. He’s in the process of moving on, and the best way he could explain how he was coping, was to compare it to a car. He said, and I quote,

“I got the engine to fit in, and now bolted on the transmission. Time to connect the necessary lines and cables to the engine to give the car life. I’m so excited to fire it up. When this thing starts, the next step would be the paint job, and upholstery. The last part would be adding the necessary fittings to complete it. I cannot wait to complete this thing. I wanna go out and let the tires burn on smooth asphalt. ”

He told me he felt like he had just gotten out of a totalled car. In a relationship, when you give it all you’ve got, and the relationship fails, it hurts. Big time.

Why even make yourself vulnerable to that kind of pain?

Because if it succeeds, it feels good. Big time. It’s like poker. When you bet small, win or lose doesn’t really matter much. When you go all in, you either win big or you lose big.

Is the risk of losing when going all in really worth it?

Could you get out of the totalled car?


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