Car seats and boosters have become compulsory items to have in the car for a child due to recent regulations. This article outlines the difference between the types of seats and why they are so important.
A car seat booster is something that it used in conjunction with your normal seat belt. The first type has no back, but just a base.
without the seat belt goes correctly across the neck as well which should cup the head at ear level. This will help reduce sideways movement of the head which could cause internal injuries if an accident occurred. Sometimes, the child could in fact slip underneath it if an accident occurred. Sometimes, the child sits in the car for a child due to recent regulations. This article outlines the difference between the types of seats should have a head rest. If your don’t use a booster. At first the baby is big enough to use a seat of this type of seat is used, then your rear seats should have a head rest as well as the waist.
Otherwise, the child’s head may fly forward and hit the back of the belt can slide up to 6 years old or 60 pounds in weight. Make sure you check the regulations for your state or country on which type of booster can be used. This car seat will also allow the waist strap of the head at ear level. This will help reduce sideways movement of the belt is too high across the stomach, the child so that the child could in fact slip underneath it if an accident occurred. Sometimes, the child sits in the car for a child due to recent regulations.
This article outlines the difference between the types of seats should be to use a car seat will also allow the waist strap of the sat in front. If this type should be used up to 6 years old or 60 pounds in weight. Make sure you check the regulations for your state or country on which type of seats should be used up to the stomach which could cause internal injuries if an accident occurred. Sometimes, the child will place their arm over the shoulder strap to prevent it hurting their neck. This again will put them at risk which can be prevented with a high back rest and a head rest as well.
This type if car seat will come with guidelines which you must read. Concerning what age and weight your child should be to use a booster. At first the baby is big enough to use a car seat will come with guidelines which you must read. Concerning what age and weight your child should be used up to 6 years old or 60 pounds in weight.
Apparently the Indian car firm Tata Motors is to launch a ’souped-up’ version of ‘the world’s cheapest car’, the Nano.
The world’s most laughable car is about to become even more laughable.
The current Nano looks like a Ford Ka that got into a fight with a bus, and lost. However it’s not even as luxurious as Ford’s entry level vehicle. It costs just £1400 – and it shows.
But fear not… actually be afraid, be very afraid – Tata have come up with the concept of a Super-Nano. And bloody awful it is too.
The engine will be enlarged from 642cc to 1600cc which will apparently allow it to reach a top speed of 124mph. Why the Indians think this is so amazing, after all the average hatchback will do about the same, is beyond me.
My 1900cc Golf will probably exceed that, if I cared to test it out, and yet cost a fraction of the proposed price tag for the new Goodness-Gracious-Me-mobile. Tata expect to sell each of the new cars at a staggering £133, 000 each.
Remember this is the company that after acquiring the British company Landrover went about replacing the head gasket with what was essentially a piece of cardboard. This resulted is mass gasket blowouts and the occasional twisted cylinder to go with it . So with that engineering track record, it would be understandable if you were less than eager to spend such a fortune on such an ugly little car.
It’s even more understandable when you consider what you could buy with that kind of money. You could buy a house, a public school education for your child or any number of supercars that are actually supercars.
Given the choice of a Lamborghini Gallardo, a Ferrari California, a Maserati GranTurismo (which all cost about the same, or less that what Tata are proposing) or a Nano, which would you choose? For me it would be anything but the Nano. Not only do the others vastly outdo the Nano in performance with a top speed of around 200mph but they carry kudos and don’t look like a Little Tikes toy car.
I have no idea who Tata are aiming this new car at but I have to hope that they are blind and stupid, with exceptionally deep pockets, because no one with any sense will part with so much cash for an such an ugly vehicle.
WASHINGTON (AP) – Toyota suspended U.S. sales of some of it’s most popular vehicles – including the best-selling car in America, the Camry – to fix sticking gas pedals that could make the cars accelerate without warning.
In another blow to the world’s No. 1 automaker, Toyota Motor Co. said Tuesday it would halt some production at five assembly plants beginning the week of Feb. 1 “to assess and coordinate activities.”
The company said it would stop selling eight models of cars and trucks, a significant portion its fleet. The suspension comes after Toyota recalled the same models last week, involving 2.3 million vehicles.
“This action is necessary until a remedy is finalized,” said Bob Carter, Toyota’s group vice president and general manager.
The Japanese automaker said the sales suspension includes the following models:
So it’s been another weekend for us and we have a milestone covered, we’ve torn out a majority of the interior of the car and learned there are lots of inconsistencies with it. There is lots of wiring and electrical and computer components we must be very careful with or the car may decide that it can no longer function because a sensor is not doing its job.
We hope to have pictures up soon for you to see. The blank slate we’ll be working with.
In other news, we have picked up our very first major sponsor and we’d like to very much give a shout out to them. Texas Driving Experience at Texas Motor Speedway has graciously given us a couple of racing suits to have for our drivers. There will be a roster page coming soon and you can see the drivers in the new suits then. In the mean time please visit our sponsor’s site and see if you’d like to attend one of their many schools, events and various other racing related activities the offer.
Computer-assisted reporting or CAR has been around, well — ever since there were computers. Even when I was in journalism school (which was longer ago than I care to remember), we learned about databases we could search, etc. But the explosion of Web-based tools and ways of sifting through and sharing data has created something approaching a revolution, and the potential benefits for journalism are only just beginning to reveal themselves.
via The golden age of computer-assisted reporting is at hand » Nieman Journalism Lab.
“This is a contact sport. We want to see drivers mixing it up.”
- NASCAR Chairman Brian France, referring to ignoring rules prohibiting “bump drafting,” the practice of one car pushing the car in front of it, around the track
“Boys, have at it and have a good time. That’s all I can say.”
- Robin Pemberton, NASCAR Competition Director
Ever since NASCAR put restrictor plates on the cars, fans have been responding to “boring” 500-mile “races.”
A restrictor plate is a a metal plate placed atop the carburetor, which effectively decreases the size of the opening, limiting power, slowing acceleration and top speed.
That’s right… reinforce the idea that NASCAR is redneck, and good-for-nothing-but-wrecks.
Just remember – you’re paying to watch millionaires play.
An analogy that works simplifies issues for people by letting them transfer their pre-formed opinion of one thing to another. An analogy that doesn’t can backfire to the point of leaving people suspicious that they are being deceived. The car theft analogy is a popular one in discussions of behaviour of which you disapprove. I’m sure everyone reading this is familiar with the You Wouldn’t Steal a Car videos on DVDs and movies in cinemas – the message is that you wouldn’t download a movie either (I think it’s pretty clear that you wouldn’t – you’ve paid to see the You Wouldn’t Steal a Car videos after all). The IT Crowd satires this ( pretty well.
I suspect that car theft is used because it is so morally unambiguous, a lot of people wouldn’t say that stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family is wrong at all so “you wouldn’t steal a loaf of bread” has never caught on whereas car theft is harder to defend and so it gets compared to anything and everything that’s not liked.
The problem with the analogy is that it’s too simple and broadly used – Godwin’s law talks about another commonly used false analogy which claims moral equivalence between things that aren’t remotely similar. Things can be bad without being like car theft. If something is not like car theft then comparing it to car theft will not help your argument. The main issue is car theft involves someone losing something (a car) and file sharing doesn’t involve someone losing any asset – the analogy is so ill fitting a rejoinder of “I wouldn’t steal a car, but I’d download one if I could” has sprung up in some quarters.
A very clear misuse of the car theft analogy came in the Modern Warfare 2 “Javelin Glitch” – you could juggle your weapons in such a way that that the game would forget about your grenade until you were killed and then it would get so confused you’d explode. It’d often have the effect of killing people near your character (like your killer). Some people hated it and other people loved it (Penny Arcade decided it was the only way to beat the over-powered dual shotgun game-play style).
What I am describing, of course, is a sneaky way of playing a video game in which you pretend to be a soldier and shoot people. Microsoft reacted by banning the Xbox Live accounts of those using it and rushing a patch out uncharacteristically quickly. There was a fair amount of discussion at the time if using any particular mistake caused by a developer was worse than another and if it merited locking you out of an online gaming system you had paid to access. There’s apparently some provisions in the terms and conditions to allow cheaters to be banned so it seems on the face of it to be all right since they didn’t just decide to do it out of the blue.
The head of Xbox Live policy on this issue reacted to the controversy by posting this message on Twitter:
“Wow some of you think cheating a glitch is I install my car stereo wrong and it disables my door locks it’s not ok to STEAL MY CAR”
- @Stepto
I must confess I am naturally put off this guy because of that “um” but regardless here the senior Microsoft employee whose policy banned everyone compares cheating at a video game to car theft. They’re different types of problem – ask any 5 year old. I know I don’t like car theft but it does nothing to help his case on banning cheaters.
The problem of the analogy for its user- I’ve discussed it from the perspective of listeners before – as the thing that persuades someone is that it needs to be a good one or it backfires and if it’s all you have your argument falls. Cheating in games can be annoying and it can spoil it for other people but it’s not like stealing a car. If someone asks you “did you just compare health reform to the Holocaust?” they’re not buying your argument.
It has been a while since cars have been considered as a luxury. Even exotic cars like the sports models can be seen cruising on the roads with increasing frequency. Even though affording a car might be easy with all the easy pay installments and other schemes that the manufacturers in today’s market are coming up with, the owners still have to spend a lot in addition to the price of the car.
Mercedes or Alfa Romeo, you can go for a custom designed car mat cleaned frequently to prevent the grooves getting filled up with mud, and to thus make sure it serves its purpose. Since rubber car mats are very useful, particularly during rain and in dusty places. They can conveniently be removed and dusted at one’s convenience. It is good practice to get the car mat made of heavy-duty rubber and have a good grip at the bottom. They fit the car to look squeaky clean, but keeping the interiors sparkling and neat also matters.
Car mats come in a variety of materials, the most common being the rubberized ones. These are made of materials such as the rubber mats. A custom fit would give an exotic and expensive look to the car flooring. If you have a good grip at the bottom. They fit the car interior perfectly to avoid discomfort while driving. Since most of them slipping from under the driver’s seat. Also, they are lined or sculpted on the top to trap the dirt, water and slush so it does not get dirty with use – the car interior perfectly to avoid discomfort while driving.
Since most of them are anti-skid, there would no chance of them slipping from under the driver’s seat. Also, they are lined or sculpted on the top to trap the dirt, water and slush so it does not get dirty with use – the car floor does not get dirty with use – the car fitted with a car might be easy with all the fittings such as sheepskin and leather; you can even have different piping for that special look. These would be available in a variety of materials, the most common being the rubberized ones.
These are made of materials such as the rubber mats. A custom fit would give an exotic and expensive look to the price of the car. Showroom prices for the cars usually do not include all the cars, be they decorative and luxurious or everyday. But basically all kinds of weather. Without these, slush, mud and dirt can permanently spoil the floor. Car mats are very useful, particularly during rain and in dusty places. They can conveniently be removed and dusted at one’s convenience.
I’m not surprised when people do REALLY silly, clearly expensive things to their cars. It really goes beyond common sense when you witness how people spend their money. Some folk openly admit to having more money than sense and they are not afraid to flaunt it. A prime example is this car, all traditional engine parts have been replaced with gold parts…what were you thinking? The car already looked like something you’d drink when you’re nauseous let alone shoving a gold encrusted engine, rims and other accessories in it.
Mr T would be in his element but honestly, what a waste of money. I think I’ll stick to my trusted used Mazda 2. Essex is a tough enough place for a car and judging eyes. I think if i rolled up to my local co-op in this Pepto-Bismol monstrosity, I’d finally know what its finally like to be pelted by eggs by youths . It’s scary how fast these 9 year olds grow up.
John 3:8 “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
This is the verse I’m mulling over in my head this week. I pull it out at the gym while on the bike. I use it as a book marker for The Poisonwood Bible (I’m finally reading it!). I ponder it in between car rides when I’m not jamming out to some tunes (“More Like Falling in Love” by Jason Gray). I’m letting it sink in and settle it’s way down.
But, now I’m asking you, friend, what do you think of the verse? What’s God telling you through it and what insights have you gained from it? Practical, tangible, vague, undeveloped, hearty, any of the above or any other. Or on the flip side, are you memorizing any verses now? What about those? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you.
winter weather – sleet, icy streets, slippery
BONES LOCATED IN WRIST: Scaphoid, Capitate, Lunate, Navicular, Hamate, Trapezoid, Trapezium, Pisiform, Triquetrum.
WRIST INJURIES IN CAR ACCIDENTS: Sprains, Dislocations, Broken Bones, Damage of Tendons and Ligaments, Swelling, Lack of Movement, Crookedness, Bruising, Redness, Fractures,
Immediately before an impending accident, drivers tense up by bracing their hands on the steering wheel. The forces of an automobile accident cause severe twisting and bending of the wrist joint. The direct impact to the wrist results in serious injuries such as tendonitis, sprains, fractures, dislocations, swelling and immobility. Broken bones of the wrist may require extensive physical therapy and surgery. The surgeon sometimes finds it necessary to insert pins and wires to stabilize the wrist.
The wrist is essential for day-to-day activities. Restricted range of motion and discomfort prevent wrist injury victims from going about their daily activities. Children who suffer from injuries of the wrist caused by car accidents may sustain injury to the growth bone resulting in stunted or abnormal growth. Surgery of the wrist is complex usually accompanied by severe pain and suffering. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is important. Insurance companies will try and settle your claim for the lowest possible figure.
The attorneys at KULLMANN, KLEIN AND DIONEDA have been representing and protecting the rights of individuals who have been injured in car collisions for over twenty years. If you have received painful injuries of the wrist caused by someone else’s negligence and recklessness in an auto accident, please call KULLMANN, KLEIN AND DIONEDA to schedule your free legal consultation at: (314) 772-0000. We have three locations to serve our clients: St. Louis, Missouri; St. Charles, Missouri and Granite City, Illinois. Home and hospital visits are available.
Don’t Wait, call KULLMANN, KLEIN AND DIONEDA today. We will protect your rights.
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Gary Kullmann, Andrew Klein and Steve Dioneda – Injury Attorneys
St. Louis/St. Charles/Granite City
Please visit our web site at:
The past weekend a very integral part of me fell ill – my calculator. The life support system it relies on aka the batteries burned out. It was twitching and wincing in pain; Every passing second represented the fast approaching death.
I knew I need to act fast. I dressed up fast and carefully put my ailing calculator in my backpack. I firmly planted my foot on the accelerator and skimmed through traffic. I didn’t care about the traffic lights; it was an emergency. I even emulated the ambulance siren with my crafty mouth. I wanted people to just come to a standstill and make room for my speeding car. My car and I were on a rescue mission, but this cruel world didn’t care. Evil drivers constantly made vain efforts to slow me down by following the speed limit, by stopping at stop signs – seriously who does that shit? That’s so unfair. My sheer determination, and immaculate driving skills (Danica Patrick ain’t got nothing on me) helped me over all the obstacles and make it in time.
I then stepped out of my car, grabbed my calculator and nervously walked over to the cashier. She told me it would take 10.57 to revive my sweetheart. I gave her 10 dollars – now the life of my mathematical genius depended on 57 cents. I couldn’t find any change on me. SHIT! CRAP! My calculator looked at me in awe. It knew what this meant . Both of us just stood there thinking about all the wonderful times we had in calculus class. We kicked ass of my classmates like Gangstas. It was over. All over!! At least that’s what I thought. Then suddenly the lady murmured, “10 is fine. Have a good day.” Such an act of generosity. Thank you lady, for rescuing my baby.
Did you know its been almost a year since we started on this journey into motoring?
A quick look at the stats tell me that readership is growing and people searching for porn still find this blog because of some clever meta tagging (thats a computer geek thing that makes what you type into Google find this column, neet eh? Who says sex ‘ sell anymore!) Popularity is important. I write this stuff for a number of reasons but one of the main ones is to see peoples reactions to what I write. If the blog is crap and boring then no one will read it and the hate mail dries up.
So what makes you popular? Being different I think is one of the main reasons, people look at you and are interested because of the different spin on life or laugh at you because you are doing something out of the ordinary. Popularity then has to be fresh and new, but user friendly and acceptable. The Detroit motor show threw up some very interesting new designs including a hyper cool electric three-wheeler called the ZAP Alias that if painted matt black would not be out of place in the Batcave, but will it be popular? I doubt it. It will generate interest at the show and loads of people will take pictures of it and discuss it over a plastic cup of beer, but would they buy one? No, they head for Toyota and buy a Prius.
Middle ground needs to be found and the Prius is a good example of that. It’s quirky enough with its Star Trek dashboard and weird, hybrid engine that can silently sneak up on pedestrians in urban situations, to be interesting; and because it claims to be green, give you high MPG (It doesn’t really, it’s about 48MPG average same as a Golf TDi, but the Golf is £5,000 cheaper) and celebrities drive it, its popular. But would you buy one? Drive one? Be seen in one? Didn’t think so.
Soon it is new car time for me and as I am still waiting for the editor to call me and offer that lucrative column, I am forced to buying another 10 year old ‘a bit past it’ car. The popular choices are uninspiring and have galactic milages on them with several owners, and all of them are dull. A while ago I was looking at Audi, Honda and Alfas, now as poverty tightens its grip I am looking smaller. I am looking at a Suzuki Wagon R.
Ok Ok settle down, stop the hoots of laughter and the old man jokes and listen to my reasoning. This is a very overlooked car, and the joker at the back who just said ‘I wonder why?’ can bugger off. Here is a quirky and interesting little car that just oozes Japanese charm. Its a tiny MPV thing with a tiny 1000cc cam chain driven engine that redlines at 8000rpm (even tinier in Japan!) and is classed as a ‘Kei’ (click here to see an earlier post on this) its bought and driven by old people who only go to the shops for cat meat and service it at dealerships. Consequently they are cheap, well maintained, cost nothing to run and in very good condition.
Wagon R with added hot sauce!
With a little imagination they can be made to look and behave like a mini hooligan. I doubt if I will increase my popularity or street cred (whatever that is) as I drive my little Suzuki, and know it will never go round the ‘Ring, and I am not cool and hip, but you know what? I don’t care because I will be different, and as you will see in future posts, it will bring some fun and discourse to this funky little column
I have found a nice selection of custom kei cars if you are interested, click here
Want how to keep your car exterior clean? Confused by different types of car wash available? Learn from us; we have just the right descriptions about every type of car wash available. There are four basic types of car wash to choose from. We explain the all one by one. 1) Self Service Car Wash System If you freak out at the ides of anyone else touching your car, then this system is designed just for you.
Systems This comprehensive wash cycle is achieved by moving the vehicle remains stationary in the wash bay, so that risk of vehicle damage is eliminated. Usually the payment is also unmanned and is done by cash or credit card. This system is more comprehensive and thus more expensive than both, the Self Service Car Wash System If you freak out at the ides of anyone else touching your car, then this system ensures are that your operation remains unattended and it is the cheapest of all. Don̢۪t think that you̢۪ll have to work hard.
The System is designed just for you. This is generally coin-operated, where the customer does the washing. The package not only includes soap, rinse, and wax functions but also foaming brush, whitewall tire cleaner, presoak system, 5HP/60 Gallon air compressor, and air pumps. Some of the benefits which this system ensures are that your operation remains unattended and it is the cheapest of all. Don̢۪t think that you̢۪ll have to work hard. The System is designed just for you. This is generally coin-operated, where the customer does the washing.
The package not only includes soap, rinse, and wax functions but also foaming brush, whitewall tire cleaner, presoak system, 5HP/60 Gallon air compressor, and air pumps. Some of the benefits which this system ensures are that your operation remains unattended and it is the cheapest of all. Don̢۪t think that you̢۪ll have to work hard. The System is designed just for you. This is generally coin-operated, where the customer does the washing. The package not only includes soap, rinse, and wax functions but also foaming brush, whitewall tire cleaner, presoak system, 5HP/60 Gallon air compressor, and air pumps.
Some of the benefits which this system is designed just for you.
India is back in track from where it started for RR market. The new breed of Indian business tycoons are following in the footsteps of the pre-war maharajahs in their quest for luxury cars, snapping up the new $600,000 Rolls-Royce Ghost at the fastest rate in the world. The first Ghost will be delivered to a Chennai based realtor next month.
Rolls-Royce, the iconic British carmaker now owned by BMW, is hoping for big things from the Ghost, a “baby” 2.4-tonne luxury sedan that is about 40 per cent cheaper than the company’s flagship Phantom range.
Rolls Royce’s global sales dropped southwards with just 1000 RR Phantoms being sold in 2009 when compared to 1212 in 2008 thanks to the Global recession. But RR is quite optimistic this year and targets selling 2500 units of Phantom and Ghosts this year. The Ghost, was unveiled at the September 2009 Frankfurt Motor Showas the new entry level Roller.
Though Abu Dhabi and Dubai were the top sales outlets for Rolls Royce in 2008, thanks to the global financial crisis, the Middle-East luxury car sales is now cooling off and the new markets for the RR is emerging from the Asia-Pacific particularly from countries like China and India. RR expects to sell over 400 units with China accounting for half of the sales while India, Japan and Australia raking the rest of RR units.
RR though is targeting the global market for its sales, Indian car market will always remain special to the Rolls Royce as the saga of RR in India dates back to 1907 when Maharaja of Gwalior, Madho Rao Scindia , imported the first example of the car to India , just three years after Rolls-Royce was formed.
India, pre-independence though predominantly a British Raj, was a royal mass of land with over 500 princely states in it. Most the maharajas and Royals of these princely states were avid buyers of the brand, customizing them to suit Indian conditions. The Nizam of Hyderabad, for example, had a fleet of 50 Rollers, while the Maharajah of Patiala had 44 in his collection.
But with the coming of Indian independence in 1947, royals and Maharajas were forced to abandon their ostentatious lifestyles and lead a life of austerity for many decades to come. Their Rolls-Royces were garaged or sold to private collectors, such as the industrialist Pranlal Bhogilal, who has a collection of 200-plus vintage cars on his estate near Ahmedabad.
Further financial privation for the royals came in 1971 when then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi abolished the Privy Purse system of payments to them. By this time Rolls Royce had withdrawn from the Indian market and it was not until 2005 that it returned, appointing Navnit Motors in Mumbai as first authorized RR dealer in almost 50 years. Navnit subsequently opened a showroom in Mumbai’s Atria Mall in May 2006, and this was followed by a second Rolls-Royce dealership in India in September 2008, when Select Cars opened a showroom in New Delhi.
Going by the reports of the latest world wealth published by consulting firms Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, India had 84,000 US-dollar millionaires at the start of last year, down more than 30 per cent from an estimated 123,000 at the start of 2008, when share markets were at their peak. Of the 84,000, about 1000 Indians are in the “ultra” high net worth category, with assets above US$30 million, while between 50 and 100 are billionaires. India has already become a land of modern new age Maharajas.
While high net worth individual numbers may have receded a little from early 2008, the return of strong economic growth in the second half of 2009 in both India and China points to strong sales ahead for sellers of luxury goods. China’s GDP growth in 2010 is likely to be around 9 to 9.5 per cent, while India should reach 7.5 per cent. That compares with just a 2.2 per cent outlook for the US and 3.5 per cent for the world overall.
This is what makes India a fertile hunting ground for Rolls-Royce and other luxury car purveyors such as Bentley, which is owned by BMW’s rival German maker Volkswagen. Maybach, the Mercedes-Benz luxury model, rounds out the trio of brands at the top catering to the “chairman” segment, where customization is the name of the game. Family crests, cocktail cabinets, special carpet trim and unique colour combinations are among the personal touches most often requested.
In addition to the “chairman” luxury-car segment, there is also strong Indian demand for sports-style “supercars,” where names like Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche dominate the market.
Toyota, the company that made “hybrid” a buzz word amongst the environmentally conscious unveiled the new FT-CH at the 2010 Detroit Auto Show.
Whilst still just a concept, it is clear that the FT-CH which stands for Future Toyota Compact Hybrid is in essence just a smaller and cooler version of the Prius. Coming in at a massive 22 inches shorter than the current Prius, this car will be ideal for nipping around the city.
Design wise it’s taken inspiration from the “8-bit generation” harking back to the days of the Nintendo NES when the Mario Brothers were nothing more than pixilated blobs dancing around the screen. Very retro!
Toyota have said they aim to sell a million hybrids a year over the course of the first half of the decade, and with this little addition to the family in sight, I can’t see why they won’t.
Here’s another thing I’ve seen done before which I wanted to try – light painting. This a technique where you leave the shutter open on your camera for a long time in the dark while you use a light source to illuminate parts of the scene in front of the camera. There are some really masterful, artistic people doing this and I think the work they produce is mesmerizing.
1:31 AM. I am on break from microeco. Short recap run:
January 10: No time for planning equates to a simple no frills birthday dinner with only very little of what I originally had in mind.
Here’s me dancing to my birthday song, which they happened to play through the restaurant speakers for the merriment of all diners.What to do when you’re caught in a spotlight situation? Make the most of it. haha. Also, see Mike happily cheering for me on the side lines. <3 such a happy little boy haha.
Meet my sweet cavalry of men in red.
and some more who don’t believe in the power of color.
And my gorgeous mum, who flew all the way here to be with me. <3
January 11: Just for kicks, see what I found today along Katipunan. A tough guy garbed in orange and biker shades, in a vehicle adorned with your favorite Sanrio pals. Pretty interesting and also pretty freaky. Wonder what the story behind this guy is.
Okay, back to studying. For some reason, the last two months always seem to be the hardest. Can’t wait to finish school!
In the period 2002-03 to 2008-09 the average annual growth rate in sales for the basic four categories of vehicles – commercial vehicles (lorries/trucks and buses), three-wheeled vehicles (that includes autorickshaws, which are short-distance transport in almost every Indian town and city), two-wheeled vehicles (that includes motorcycles, scooters and mopeds), and cars – has become the stuff of manufacturing legend.
India's vehicle market, Jan to Nov 2009, credit Reuters
Yearly sales growth of 17.46% for commercial vehicles, 13.51% for three-wheeled vehicles, 25.69% for cars, and 10.97% for two-wheeled vehicles have turned India into a market which has the potential to become a US$145 billion auto bazaar by 2016, say the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) who have jointly organised the expo.
These are the numbers that have caused every single major automaker from anywhere in the world to descend on New Delhi. Ten years ago, in 1999-2000, auto factories in India had made 574,000 cars – in 2008-09 the annual figure is 1,620,000. In ten years the number of commercial vehicles built has more than doubled, from 299,000 to 635,000. In ten years the number of two-wheelers built has more than doubled, from 3,778,000 to 8,394,000.
“Why India?” asks the promotional literature of the Auto Expo, and the organisers (supported by the Government of India and representing too the interests of the global auto giants) smugly provide the answers: “India is the second largest two-wheeler market in the world”, “Fourth largest commercial vehicle market in the world”, “Eleventh largest passenger car market in the world, and expected to be the seventh largest by 2016″
There are twin reasons for the rise of the Indian automobile bazaar. First, since 2006, globally the automobile industry has suffered what it plaintively calls “severe demand shock” on account of the economic slowdown and credit crunch in western markets (OECD + North America).
Auto sales, China vs USA, Reuters graphics
The drop in demand for 2008 and 2009 has been 38% in the US, 18% in Europe and 13% in Japan. In contrast the Indian passenger vehicle market maintained its demand during 2008-09 and is rising sharply for 2009-10. This is why most of the big names in the global automobile industry (GM, Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, Suzuki, Honda, Skoda, Volvo, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen) are planning what industry analysts call “significant capacity build-up for the Indian markets”.
The triumphant notes being sounded by the automobile czars in New Delhi ignore entirely India’s worryingly uneven and imbalanced sectoral distribution of ‘growth’. What the comprador media calls “the India growth story” has only marginally touched agriculture, with evidence that over a prolonged period starting in the early 1990s, the per capita output of foodgrains was on the decline for the first time in the country’s post-Independence history, as economist C P Chandrasekhar has pointed out. Around 55 per cent of the increment in GDP over the last decade has come from the services sector, and just less than half of that contribution was due to an expansion of organised services, public administration and defence.
This gigantic exercise in furthering the cult of the car in India is underwritten by the Government of India. The industry has as its guidebook the ‘Automotive Mission Plan 2006-2016: A Mission for Development of Indian Automotive Industry’. This is a policy document from India’s Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises which says, clearly and unambiguously in its ‘vision’ statement: “To emerge as the destination of choice in the world for design and manufacture of automobiles and auto components with output reaching a level of US$145 billion accounting for more than 10% of the GDP and providing additional employment to 25 million people by 2016.”
There’s more in the full article I wrote for Energy Bulletin here.
This is the first time that Mr. Bug asked me for an image that Tux Paint didn’t have. He requested a shovel. I froze. I didn’t know what to do. “I don’t know how to draw a shovel”, I nearly said, but then I decided that I didn’t want to get my son thinking in negatives. Instead, I dodged: I put the shovel in a caption. I still regret doing this, in some way… it is such a cop-out. I wish I’d just hauled out the rectangle tool, bit the bullet and drawn an ugly shovel. However, I guess I needed to see whether situations such as these were avoidable or not. Toddlers change quickly. Perhaps, thought I, shovels are a mere passing fad.
As I was out driving today, I pulled over to make a few photographs, but wasn’t very happy with what I was getting. I walked back to the car and just got inspired to get down nice and low and make a photo of the snow by the tire.
Sometimes I really do hate life. I got up and was all about going to the gym today. I need to go to the gym today. I didn’t go Wednesday. So I get all ready and I got all my shit together and then I can’t find my keys. Luckily I have a backup set so I grabbed those so I could get to the gym before it gets real busy. I sit down in my car and there are my keys. In the motherfucking car! Not only did I leave my keys in the car, in the ignition, but they ran my goddamn battery down! So now I’m stuck at home until my mom gets back from work. She will not be happy about this.
She hates my car. She doesn’t trust it like I do. She’s dead sure it will break down if its brought more than 20 miles from home. Little does she know I drove the whole 60 something miles to the city the other day. It ran fine. We actually got in a big arguement about it last night which is what makes this all even more embarrassing and horrible. See I told her I didn’t want to fly down to florida, I want to drive. It makes more sense. Instead of packing all my stuff up and having it mailed to me, which would be super expensive, I could simply pack it all up and drive it down there with me. She didn’t want to hear about it. I will drive that car where I want. It will make it. Unfortunately now I have to ask her to jump my car, which she will rub in my face. I can hear her now, ” Oh the battery is dead? Wow, and you wanted to drive this piece of shit all the way to florida.” Goddamn it will take everything in me not to choke her out after she says that. It was my fault the battery died because apparently I am a complete fucktard and I can’t remember to take my keys out when I get home, its not the cars fault. The car is fine, I am not.
…about Just Brakes Service Center #92 – HWY 290 in Houston, TX:
I took my car in a month ago for a complete brake reworking and suspension system at the store on the NW Freeway (Hwy 290 Service Center #92 – 14025 Northwest Fwy Houston, TX 77040). The price was great and the team there couldn’t have been better to work with. The car was finished the same day and for the price quoted. Even better, when I noticed the alignment was way off, the manager took the car to a neighboring shop to have the alignment re-done on his nickel. I didn’t really complain, I just wanted them to take a look at it. That care was truly unexpected and appreciated. We’ll be back.
Water is life. Over 70% of our planet is covered in it and if starved of it for a few days you will drop dead. Water is fun! You can swim in it, float on it, ride jetskis on it and best of all if you mix it with some sand and sunshine it makes girls take off all their clothes and wear bikinis.
But in its solid form or even worse its crystalised, fluffy floaty form, its another story. Ice and snow have magical and evil powers, they conspire to remove all the bread and milk from the shops, make grim faced policemen come on the news and tell us there is ‘chaos’ and order us all to stay in bed. Ice and snow remove your wheels and replace them with castors and then cut your brake lines. We are all afraid of it, we all hate it. Unless you are under 16 and its an excuse for the adults to panic and you to get a free day off school.
All of this makes me so damn angry.
What the hell is wrong with people? Why on earth, as soon as there is a little bit of a change from the norm, a little bit of interesting weather, do you all panic and hide under the duvet? The ‘best’ excuse I have heard is “We are not used to driving in the snow because it doesn’t happen very often” This of course to anyone with common sense its just plain stupid. If the conditions are rare, isn’t it better to experience them when you can? learn how to adapt your driving when the road and the car will feel different? Become more aware of the limitations of grip and safe distances?
I phoned a driving instructor, a decent and sensible chap, and asked him if advice for snow driving was available. “Sure” he said “Just call and I will be happy to advise, or we can book a lesson if you want and I can show you how best to do it” It seems that we view instructors as a way to pass the driving test so we can all ‘drive’, because of course, as soon as we pass we are all experts! And as the years roll by our expertise gets better and better…right? We wouldn’t need a trained professional to advise us or sharpen our skills, because we are all brilliant! Right? WRONG!
It snows. All of Britain stops, or crashes into eachother, or breaks down, or gets stuck because they didn’t have the brains to maintain their car, carry a blanket or a shovel, or the common sense to change the way they drive or even check their tyres are ok and not looking like Kojak. Driving is a skill that is unique because it constantly changes. You can drive the same bit of tarmac every day for a year and nothing out of the ordinary will happen. You get in the car, you move leavers, push pedals and turn things and the car moves. Same day in and day out, right up until the tyre blows, or a child runs out or a cyclist wobbles out in front or even worse, it snows, rains, hails or is foggy.
I have found the real reason for Mr Grim Faced Policeman/Council Worker/AA Bloke coming on the TV and telling us all to stay at home, its because he knows just how rubbish the average motorist is at dealing with somthing out of the ordinary, because there are not enough people in Britian who actually LOVE TO DRIVE and LOVE THEIR CARS. Its THESE people you see adapting and enjoying their drive. These people see it as a challenge to their skill, and get on and do it. They won’t need to be charging about like a Finnish rally driver, but they will be calm, confident and ready to take on whatever is thrown at them. It THESE types, people who go for a drive for the sheer hell of it, people who take a detour if it means a good ‘B’ road rather than a dull motorway, people who turn off the damn radio to hear that roar from 3rd to 4th as they negotiate that neat right hander. Drivers (and there are a few left, I know names!) will check their cars, maintain them monitor tyre pressures, fluid levels and such stuff so if they are caught out but a change in conditions, they are confident the car can deal with it and they adapt their driving to it. There are too many people that see the car as a thing to fill with stuff and take the kids to school with. They treat the car and the skill of driving like doing laundry, the worst that can happen is a wet floor if the washer goes down but when it goes wrong in a car you can kill yourself or someone else.
Moving away from cars just for a second, lets talk about ‘Frozen Britain’ as they announced it on the news. I wasn’t alive in 1963, but I’m told that the winter there was pretty nasty, and indeed prior to that there have been some pretty snowy times for the UK. Back then there was no internet, no ASDA or Iceland home delivery, we all had A40’s and no one had even heard of a Landcruiser, Land Rovers and Jeeps were for the rosy cheeked farmer and military, articulated trucks had to have a drivers mate to help brake the trailer on the tricky bits. People seemed to get to work ok, the world turned and we just got on with it so how on earth did we, a nation the survived the Blitz, turn into a bunch of namby pamby bed wetting loosers that are the joke of the world? A little snow and Britain stops, seems like all the terrorists need to do is wait for winter then they will have the UK on its knees. Everyone knows you can’t stop a Toyota pickup.
One final thought. None of the above will make any difference, because of all these people mooching about taking their kids back and forward to school and shopping, Global Warming will really kick in and in a few years we will all look forward to December as it will be a bit cooler!
That’s it, rant over. Please be careful out there, I hate seeing cars damaged.
I deposited a check, ordered a new ATM card, and added myself to my parents bank account at a bank I don’t have an account with. I also walked to and from the bank, so even got some exercise in.
Tomorrow I plan on going to a bead store that is across the street from our complex, not a long walk but we might do an additional walk after going there.
I want to find the cord/string/whatever to make eye-glasses (or sunglasses) holder for my mom. They are always hard to find and then when we do find them, they end up being expensive.
I still haven’t beaded anything since I got all my new supplies. Well, that’s a lie. Nikki made a bracelet yesterday. With Nikki and Jonathan in the house it is difficult. I need a table with good light to do it and I don’t have that when they are here. Nikki starts school on Monday, so hopefully I’ll be able to start then.
I also picked up my dad from the mechanic. He had to take his Malibu Maxx in because it has been leaking the smell of gas for a month or so. Yesterday when they got back from their trip to San Fran the smell was so strong it made it to my room (on the third level!).
Currently my back is hurting but I don’t want to take the med I was given, hoping that by just sleeping it will go away. But I’m not feeling the least bit sleepy right now.
An important act passed by Congress called the Safety Appliance Act institutes a broad range of regulations that apply to virtually every type of train car, and some locomotive engines used by railroad companies. The act addresses many different conditions that must exist without a defect or insufficiency on railroad cars.
The following are just a few of the conditions and procedures that must be safe:
Ladders/handholds must be secure and have no insufficiency
Manual brakes must work properly and have no improper condition
The overall air brake system on the train must work properly
All walkways must be properly constructed and there are precise regulations relating to many details
No oil or slippery substances on locomotive walking areas
There can be no broken parts or insufficient conditions relating to the train car wheels, trucks, gears and similar components
When a railroad worker suffers an injury due to any insufficient condition or defect on a train car, or due to faulty brake parts and systems, and if this problem leads to railroad worker injury, this constitutes a regulatory violation creating strict, or absolute, liability on a railroad employer. Many state and federal court cases confirm that the regulatory violation need not involve an actual defect, just an insufficiency or improper condition may constitute a complete regulatory violation depending upon the evidence. Such a violation means that a worker and the attorney representing the railroad worker, have no duty to show advance knowledge of the railroad or a railroad supervisor, before the injury occurs. The law states the violation is absolute and complete with the finding that the injury was caused by the improper condition or defect. This means that the main issue becomes fair compensation under law to the worker and relieves the worker and her attorney from proving advance notice.
About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton is an injury law firm with a long history of representing hundreds of railroad workers in FELA/ railroad injury cases. Check out our railroad injury case results to see for yourself. Our offices are in Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA) and Elizabeth City, North Carolina (NC). Our lawyers hold licenses in VA, NC, SC, WV, KY and DC and have handled railroad injury and FELA cases throughout the eastern U.S. We would like to send you one of our FREE reports about railroad injury and FELA cases, including Do’s and Don’ts When Injured at a Railroad – The Railroad Worker’s FELA Rights and What Railroad Claim Agents Won’t Tell You (But You Must Know). We are ready to talk to you by phone right now—we provide free initial confidential injury case consultations, so call us toll free at 1-800-752-0042 before giving any statement or talking to a railroad claims agent. Our injury attorneys also host an extensive injury law video library on Youtube . Furthermore, our lawyers proudly moderate the Yardlimits Railroad Community Forum and donate to the Fallen Brother Fund.
The December holidays are a time that many people dread; spending time with family is a common stressor. While visiting home for the holidays triggers some stress-induced feelings and eye-rolling over holiday habits people hold dear (people decorating their cars like reindeer are on my list to avoid), I like spending time with my loved ones and exploring my hometown of Chicago (technically, I grew up in the Western suburbs of the city).
Every time I am home, I learn a few things that give me insight into my personality. And this recent visit was no different. Here are a few things that I learned:
Watching Two and a Half Men makes me physically uncomfortable.
I mock this popular sitcom a lot, as do many that like their humor with wit and edge, but I never tried sitting through an episode. My mom is a fan, and I finally watched it in an effort to be a good son. Oh, it was an effort. Viewing the hackneyed acting and dopey dialogue, I winced, squirmed and felt like I was watching a puppy being punched — and that was in the first 10 minutes.
Needless to say, I did not feel well — heck, I felt like the 2 Girls, 1 Cup ladies watching it. And I admitted to my mom that I couldn’t watch another minute, breaking down like a prison snitch. She was cool about it, and we ended up watching something else.
My mom is pretty cool.
Though our taste in entertainment differs (see above), she did have a few kind words about a favorite show of mine that was not among her favorites. While watching The Simpsons, she remarked about the innovative attributes of the show’s storytelling. Knowing that her past thoughts on the show barely rose above lukewarm, it was like a Christmas present hidden behind the family piano. It gave me new respect for her, especially in light of my discomfort shown above.
Procedural crime-solving dramas are gross… and addictive.
Nothing brings out gore like video games and crime-solving television shows. Seriously, the amount of blood and bodily organs splayed on the screen in an average episode of CSI (and its millions of spin-offs) or Bones would make the Mortal Kombat creators wince. Watching these shows is like a gross-out contest where the challenger poops and then eats their fecal matter: it’s unexpected, and you’re surprised that they topped themselves.
Speaking of Bones, damn did it suck me in. I don’t know if it was the likable though two-dimensional characters, the intense situations and puzzle-like configuration of each episode, or a new-found crush on Emily Deschanel, but I watched a lot of episodes. (I think it was the Deschanel factor.) I don’t see myself watching it on my own, but I’ll pull up a seat when I visit my family again.
"The Deschanel Factor" claims another victim: my heart.
I love my family.
Sure, they drive me crazy at times. And yeah, I know that I do the same. But being with those that love you unconditionally and that you can say the same about is a good feeling. Being able to tell an inside joke or offer a few words of a shared memory is a comforting, fun experience. When they know what you’re thinking, how you are feeling based on your body language or want to share in the current events, it is that much more special. And when you look at them and remember years of experiences — good and bad — and still want to give them a hug, that’s love.
My friends are dang cool.
A yearly tradition is spending New Year’s Eve with my college friends, and I make the two-hour+ drive to spend time with them, catch up on the past year and have fun. Being able to reconnect and feel the shared positivity with them is well worth getting together, and it makes me wish that I can spend time with them more often. It is tough cultivating bonds over a long distance — hell, maintaining relationships in the same city can be an ordeal — and it is all the more powerful to have friends with people that feel the same.
Some of these things can be learned throughout the year, but “the most wonderful time of the year” makes the lessons more poignant and special. For that, I can put up with the cold weather and cheesy traditions if it means gaining knowledge from my family, friends and myself.