Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some people have more money than sense

I’m not surprised when people do REALLY silly, clearly expensive things to their cars. It really goes beyond common sense when you witness how people spend their money. Some folk openly admit to having more money than sense and they are not afraid to flaunt it. A prime example is this car, all traditional engine parts have been replaced  with gold parts…what were you thinking? The car already looked like something you’d drink when you’re nauseous let alone shoving a gold encrusted engine, rims and other accessories in it.

Mr T would be in his element but honestly, what a waste of money. I think I’ll stick to my trusted used Mazda 2. Essex is a tough enough place for a car and judging eyes. I think if i rolled up to my local co-op in this Pepto-Bismol monstrosity, I’d finally know what its finally like to be pelted by eggs by youths . It’s scary how fast these 9 year olds grow up.


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