Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Motor Transport Part 1

A few thoughts on how will we been traveling in 50 years. As humans we have placed the motor car on a pestial. It is seen as a means of expanding our freedom and is seen as the cornerstone of our civilization. Obtaining a driving license is seen as sign of maturing into a adult.But as the numbers grow the road structure worldwide is increasing struggling with our demands.

How can we accommodate all this extra traffic on our road system. The answer I believe is we must stop the physical act of driving. As the internet is expanding out from our homesteads and onto our highways we will have the ability to control the vehicles on the road via the internet & GPS integration. The roads will basically become car railways allowing for greater traffic flows. Design will alter as both front & rear windscreen will disappear, after all they are only there for driving purposes..

Population growth will change large areas of our life we now accept as normal. So its not Can we lose our driving habit. We have no choice


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